Thursday, June 16, 2011

Getting there is NOT half the fun!

Well, I've been in Finland now for a couple of days.  The flight to NYC was easy.  Waiting at JFK could have been nicer.  Terminal 8 was pretty dreary.  The gate for Finnair didn't open until 2 PM and the flight did not board until 5 PM.  So, I was just "there" without any internet from noon ...

The flight to Helsinki was CROWDED!  Many families w/children.  Noisy children.  But my seat mate was a quiet young man going to St. Petersburg to study Russian.  He hardly said a word for 7 hours.  I slept.

It was raining in Helsinki when I got here Wed. morning.  I had trouble finding my bus to Rauma so I took a cab into the city proper.  That was was probably stupid, but at least I got a bit of a tour and this way I found the correct bus with no problem.  I ended up taking an express, or "pika" in Finnish.  Which only meant  I didn't need to change buses (or transfer my luggage!)  It still took 4 + hours and went through MANY little towns.  Much rain.  The temperature is almost identical to what we have in WNY at this time of year.  Having been in Finland only once before in FEBRUARY it is nice to see green, green grass, leaves and flowers here now.  Even if it's raining!
Downtown Helsinki

Leaving Helsinki, going west

Our friend Anne met me at the bus & took me straight to my B & B.  Very nice.  Apparently, I am the only tenant not working at the local nuclear power plant construction.  All the others are men & they are gone by 6 AM every day.  Pretty quiet place.   Very comfortable.  Anne fed me and then I went to sleep.  For 15 hours.  The fact that at this time of year it NEVER gets totally dark here did not deter me from sleeping.

B&B at Karjalankatu 18, Rauma, Finland 26100

My Room # 31 at Karjalankatu 18

My Room's Kitchenette
 My first conscious day in Finland (Thurs.) started at noon and I met Anne & the twins for a walk to downtown Rauma.  Not raining today.   We walked around (more to orient me) and had lunch at a sandwich place and walked some more.  Ended up at Rita & Lassi's home for cake & coffee.  For those of you who do not know:  Rita & Lassi are Anne's parents.  They have a lovely home in "Old " Rauma.  I did not appreciate how nice their yard was when we were here in FEBRUARY.  Now their yard is very pretty with flowers (blue & yellow iris, azaleas and lilacs) and shade trees.  They have a fountain and 2 nice patio tables and chairs.  Anne parked the twins (11 mos.) alseep under a tree while we adults had coffee & cake.  Having afternoon coffee with friends apparently is an institution here.  A bit like "tea time" in Great Britain, maybe?   Sandwiches are big here too.

The rest of my day was spent shopping for food with Anne and looking for adaptors for my devices which ALL need charging now.   I played with the twins while Anne smoked the salmon for dinner.  Saku was working late & joined us after 9 pm.   The endless "dusk" light deceived me and it was after 10 pm before I got back to my B & B, 11:30 pm before I got to bed.  I keep waiting for it to get "dark" but it doesn't!  Ever.
Very strange to see kids (teens) walking home past my window at midnight in the (nearly) full daylight.

Tomorrow we go to Turku to pay for our trip to Russia.

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