Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sunday Morning Musings

It is 10 AM here and cool (maybe ~60 F.) I headed out to find an Internet cafe or somewhere I can use my iPad to post these entries. Ironically, my plan to pack lite & leave my laptop at home has backfired. The B&B I'm at has great access via regular connections (those little snap in things at the "wall" end of all my computer wires at home) but no wi-fi!

The manager at the B&B looked up "free wi-fi" in Rauma for me & suggested the Café Sali. I've been there & knew how to find it easily. Two years ago, when we were here for Anne & Saku's wedding, we came here for lunch, at least once.

So, that's one problem solved. Now I need to put my photos on this site. Tomorrow. Hopefully.

Yesterday, Anne, the twins, and I went to her parents' summer house, near Pori, I think.
The afternoon started out quietly, with just the 4 of us. The weather was overcast, a bit rainy, but the temperatures are summer-like, at least if you are accustomed to WNY summers as I am!

Swans in the sea 
We visited with Lassi's dad, Anne's grandpa Leo, for a short time, just as long as we could keep the twins from wreaking chaos on his cottage! Leo, for his part, seemed to enjoy seeing the kids & did not seem the least bit disturbed by their exuberance. Rita told me later that it had been about 3 or 4 months since Leo had seen Aleksi & Jenny. At 89 Leo is quite sociable & reminds me a bit of my dad, the same age. I don't think Leo remembered meeting me at the wedding 2 years ago but he spoke to me warmly, in a little English, which I remember was quite good before.


Rita & Lassi joined us in a couple of hours. Perhaps it is because I am on vacation, or it is a Finnish time thing, but schedules seem pretty relaxed here. With the twins grandma on duty, Anne & I headed to the sauna. My first of this trip. Really great relaxing experience. Last time the outside temperature was in the 20's (F) and sitting outside in the snow was pretty unique. This time the sea was blue & not frozen solid. We dipped our feet in & it was pretty cold, but felt good after getting really HOT in the sauna. I also got to experience the fresh birch sticks & leaves tied into a bundle that you whack yourself with to increase circulation & smells nice.
Sauna at Summer House

When we were done in the sauna, we rejoined the activity at the summer house, which had swelled considerably. Anne's sisters & cousins & spouses/boyfriends were there to celebrate their 1st annual cousins' golf tournament. With trophies & toasting!

Trophies for Cousins' Golf Tournament
It was very festive & obviously affectionate. While the cousins made/assembled dinner the "men" erected a tent to use as a dining room (also for the coming weekend) and Lassi barbecued tons of meat.

The meal was terrific. I think Anne's family are very good cooks because I have had only GREAT food here, so far & last time @ the wedding. Yesterday include roasted corn on the cob, familiar, but w/different spices, boiled new potatoes (which I washed in the sea w/Anne), a big salad with little cheese balls (mozzarella?) and 3 kinds of meat I never identified but were all good.

Golf Tournament Feast

We left as soon as we ate, because the twins had reached their limit & were too restless to sleep, despite Anne's best efforts. It wasn't early though. Despite the early dusk light, it was 10:30 PM as we drove away!

Today we go to one of Anne's ball games. Another excursion. More cultural experiences! I'm having a lot of fun, in a relaxed sort of way. If my friends & family think I am nuts, so be it. Developing relationships takes time. Getting to know a place does too. My instincts about Finland so far have been right: getting to know her will be worth it, if I take my time & pay attention!

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