Monday, June 20, 2011

Women's Football in Nokia

With a nice sunny sky overhead Anne & the twins picked me up yesterday about noon & we headed out for Nokia to see her team play. Anne has played American football in a women's league here for about 3 years. Of course, she has been on a "baby sabbatical" for the past year. The team is called "Ghost Hunters."

Nice uniforms!

Nokia is about 16 km from Tampere, a larger Finnish city, famous for resettling refugees. Nokia is famous for making cell phones. But, as Anne pointed out, they made rubber boots & "tyres" before that.

It was a pleasant afternoon. Sunny & warm in the sun, but not too hot. The twins were contented sitting with us for the 1st half, tolerated us munching on sandwiches and later they ate their lunch from a jar. Anne's team won 39 - 0. Yeah, Ghost Hunters! The other team is very new.

The ball park was one the town maintains, a beautiful place, with a perfect green field, nice lines & goals, bleachers (though we sat on our blanket on the grass) and snack bar. After the game we chatted with Anne's friends and drove away. We drove into a heavy rain most of the way back to Rauma.

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