Thursday, July 7, 2011

Celebrating Independence Day

We left SPg on Monday July 4th.  Just an ordinary day in Russia.  The Finnish conductor of our Allegro train did wish me "Happy Independence Day" with a warm smile as he handed back my passport.  Anne & I shared a small bottle of champagne on the train as we whizzed back to Finland, toasting our successful trip as well as the freedom to travel to Russia and back!  We got to Helsinki by 2:10 pm Finnish time and caught the 3 o'clock bus to Rauma.  Lassi, Anne's dad, picked us up at the bus station a little after 7 pm.  I went back to the B&B to catch up on sleep.

The next day in Rauma, July 5th, was quiet for me.  I caught up with my e-mail, did laundry and downloaded my photos to the iPad.  Anne called me while I was at the Cafe Sali, using their free wi-fi, and invited me to dinner at their house that evening.  She said her parents were coming too & would pick me up at my B&B.  She said "Bring the pictures to show them."

Lassi & Rita picked me up and my only hint that there was "something a foot" was the American Flag hanging on the Porkolas's deck.  That and the 6 other guests there for the Independence Day bar-be-que Anne & Saku threw for me!
Aleksi is ready for my July 5th Party
Jenny is all smiles for my Independence Day Barbecue 
Those of you who have given me surprise parties (you know who you are!) know it isn't really too hard to pull one over on me.  But it was really sweet of Anne.  She also invited Saku's parents, her neighbors and their little girl and Aleksi's godfather, Pieter (who was helping Saku at their summer house earlier.)   Anne served hamburgers, bar-be-qued ribs,  salads (including macaroni) and beer in a "keg" (available in their grocery stores, in a very large aluminum can with a tap-like thing.)  Leena brought fresh,  local strawberries.  We had ice-cream for dessert.

I enjoyed my Independence Day party very much.  It was fun to practice my paltry Finnish and to praise the English of everyone else there.  The twins were very good, sitting at the table with the adults eating their Cheerios placidly for way longer than I would have anticipated.  Then they crawled around the deck.  Aleksi blissfully pushing his cars and Jenny checking out everyone's shoes and handbags.  They are really fun, even when super busy.

So, although I did not see any red, white and blue fireworks this year, I did celebrate Independence Day with friends.  The best kind of party.

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