Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Lighthouse & A Summer House

Sunday July 10, 2011

Beautiful day here.  Nice and summery-y warm with clear blue skies and fluffy white clouds.  Anne picked me up earlier than usual to catch the 10 AM boat to the Kylmäpihlaja lighthouse island.

Poroholma Camping & Holiday Centre
 The boat leaves from the dock at the Poroholma Camping and Holiday Centre located by the Otanlahti Bay.  This is only 2 km from the center of Rauma and quite close to my B&B.  My friends in Conesus, NY who recently had a wedding at a family camping center in Bath, NY would appreciate Poroholma as it was elected the "best caravan site" in 2009.  For pictures (better than mine) and descriptions in English (click on the Union Jack icon) go to Poroholma Seaside Holiday Camping
On the dock at our "Water Bus" 


The boat stopped at the Kuuskajaskari fortress island.  We didn't get off here, but it is a popular spot for day trippers and picnickers as there are guided tours for the scenery, geology and history as a military base.

Tiny Islands, Rauma Archipelago, Bay of Bothnia
The sea was super calm today, and it is not a long trip by boat.  Kylmäpihlaja lighthouse island is only 10 km from the mainland.   The lighthouse was built in 1953 and has been automated since 1988.  The city of Rauma operates the small hotel & restaurant located in the lighthouse and pays a tour guide to give free tours (in Finnish) to sightseers.  Kylmäpihlaja Lighthouse

Kylmäpihlaja Lighthouse
Stone Path (Labyrinth?)  on Kylmäpihlaja

Chapel in Kylmäihlaja Lighthouse

View from Observation Deck, Kylmäpihlaja
Happy Tourists Looking out to sea...
We got back to Poroholma in time to rendevouz with Saku for a late lunch at their island summer house site.  Anne & I picked up some sausage and bread to grill (yum!) and beer (of course) because it was a hot day.  We met Saku where they tie up their little motor boat and zipped over to where they are building their summer house.
Porkolat Kessämökki
 I don't know what the island is called, but theirs is a B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L site.  Lots of sea views.  Their almost finished cabin is going to be very cozy.  This whole month Saku has been working steadily to finish the sauna which will accommodate up to 6 adults, I think.  In the cabin there is one main room with a roomy loft above for more sleeping space.   Really nice windows and doors.  When it is finished they will have a front porch as well.
Nearly finished...
While Saku worked in the sauna, Anne built a fire and grilled the sausages and bread.  Food usually tastes terrific when it is cooked over an open fire but the sea air adds that piéce de resistánce.   I was ready for a nap after all that good stuff.  But Anne got me up and walking along their shore to stick our feet in the sea and look for fish.   There are lots of those too.

Cooking sausage at the lean-to

Pyramid Rock in front of Porkolat Kessämökki
 Around 3:30 PM Saku zipped us back to the parking area.  While he returned to the island to keep working on the sauna, we went to Leena & Simo's to pick up the twins.   Matching the weather, the children were in a sunny mood too.   We played on the lawn with them near Leena's flower beds and Leena picked some peas and carrots for the twins.  She had coffee and cake waiting for us.  It always amazes me how much I can eat when other people put it in front of me!

Anne dropped me off at the B&B after 6 PM.  Tomorrow Leena (with Anne to interpret) is going to show me some more local & historical churches.  With only a week left (of my 5 weeks) in Rauma, I have done just about everything I wanted to & so much more I had not anticipated.  Hyvä!

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