Monday, July 18, 2011

Näkemiin to Rauma

Monday, July 18, 2011

The past 4 days have been emotional & full of family-oriented events.  My friends Anne & Saku celebrated the 1st birthday of their twins, Aleksi & Jenny, on Sat. July 16.  I was happy to be included in the family fun.

Friday, I helped Anne get their house ready for the party and took the twins for a walk while she got her hair cut & colored.  The weather here has been very nice & summer-like, but not too hot.  My husband, Mark, would love the climate here in the summer!

Saturday, Rita & Lassi (Anne's parents) picked me up from the B&B and took me to the party at Anne & Saku's house.  Most of the people I've met here were at this party, so it was nice to be able to say "Näkemiin" (Good-bye) and "Kiitos!" (thank you.)
Aleksi's 1st Birthday Cake
Jenny's 1st Birthday Cake
Jenny opening gift from Mummu (Grandma) Rita
Aleksi's 1st taste of his birthday cake
 Sunday morning, I went to the beach not far from my B&B, but there was a cold wind, despite the bright sunshine, so after a couple of hours I decided to go to see the last Harry Potter movie at the theatre in Vanha Rauma.  Anne picked me up after the movie & I spent a quiet evening with their family and their friends, Pieter and Hannah, godparents to Aleksi.

Today, Monday, I spent with Anne running errands like returning books to the Rauma Library, picking up some gifts (& mailing some stuff) at the Post Office and returning borrowed items like Rita's bicycle and Sanna's electric outlet converter, and generally tying up "loose ends."  I took advantage of my favorite wifi "hotspot" at the Cafe Sali and took these pictures outside & inside:

Cafe Sali

I took Rita's bike back to their house and spent the next two hours soaking up the atmosphere of Vanha Rauma.  I said "good-bye" to my favorite waitress at the Cafe Sali and took care of some small errands.  I had trouble finding the  Lace Store in Vanha Rauma but Anne & the twins came through for me again, guiding me by cell phone, block by block.  We went and had some ice-cream after that.

Then Anne, the twins & I shopped for stuff for dinner at Rita & Lassi's tonight.  All together it was Rita & Lassi, Anne & Saku, the twins, Anne's youngest sister, Minna & I.  Anne cooked the dinner & it was delicious.  After dinner, Minna, a physio-therapy student, gave me a head & neck massage (wonderful!)   Then Anne, Minna & I went to the sauna.  Generally, sauna is not recommended after a heavy meal (like we just had) but since the twins were being watched by Saku &  Rita & Lassi, Anne could relax in the sauna for a change!  I LOVED it.  Kiitos to Anne or Lassi or Rita, for starting the wood fire for us in the sauna stove.

After the sauna we all relaxed with the twins, which may sound like a contradiction, but really was pretty good.  Around 10 pm they finally had their last bottle of milk, falling asleep & staying asleep while Anne & Saku loaded them into their car.

Tonight I said an emotional "good-bye" to Rita, Lassi & Minna and Saku.   Earlier Anne gave me a lovely traditional Finnish gift of "Heart of the House" earrings and a necklace made by Kalevela.  I am going to wear them home tomorrow.  My bus to Helsinki leaves at 8AM so I'll be up early.  Jussi Hyppölä left me a note to call him & so we are going to have coffee in the morning at 7 AM.  I'll pay my bill then too.

I won't have to say "Näkemiin" to Anne until she comes to take me to the bus (with my three pieces of luggage) at 7:30 AM.


  1. Thank you for spending five amazing weeks with us! We are all going to miss you so much! I hope everything is going well at home and you get to spend lots of time with your perfect grandson Erik <3

  2. Welcome back home,honey. Mark.
