Sunday, July 24, 2011

Remembering Helsinki & Suomenlinna

It is Sunday, July 24 2011, almost a week since I was a tourist in Rauma, Finland.  After returning I realized that I've neglected to "blog" about my time in Helsinki & the island park at Suomenlinna with Anne & her friend (from university) Eeva.

Eeva graciously offered us overnight hospitality (and accommodations!) on June 30th, the afternoon & evening before we were to catch the Allegro train from Helsinki to St. Petersburg (SPg.)

Anne & I took the bus from Rauma to Helsinki, a 4+ hour trip, but uneventful, that morning & arrived in downtown Helsinki shortly after noon.  We had some lunch & I got Eeva some flowers.  We took the streetcar to Eeva's apartment.  They reminded me a bit of the streetcars in the oldest part of Toronto, but these cars are more accessible.  Eeva lives in a fashionable but quiet part of Helsinki on an upper floor of an older building.  She works from home frequently and apparently her wireless access is good, a nice perk in an older building, but apparently pretty common here.

We had coffee & cake with Eeva & then set out for a brief "sightseeing" tour with her as our native guide.
Because I had requested to see the "Rock Church", Eeva took us straight to the Lutheran Cathedral in central Helsinki.  That's Eeva & I on the steps in front of the biggest Lutheran church in Finland.

(The "Rock Church" is actually another structure, closer to Eeva's apartment, but we didn't get there on this trip.)  Next, we tootled down to the open air harbor market, closing up for the day at about 7 pm.   Since it was a lovely evening, weather-wise, we took the ferry to Suomenlinna

As the link above will tell you, Suomenlinna is the island fortress near the Helsinki harbor.  It is an actual town, with permanent residents, but it also serves as a summer playground for urban Helsinki.  There are restaurants, museums, theatre, a beach & lots of green space.  Quite a few people ride their bikes to the ferry as well.

I just loved this place & I hope Anne & Eeva had as much fun as I did!  After returning on the ferry we went to dinner at a Nepalese restaurant near Eeva's apartment.  I had never eaten that Asian cuisine before & it was very good.  Stuffed to the gills we retired, to chat, until nearly midnight.

Eeva had to go to work the next morning & we had to catch our train, so we had a quick, but very Finnish breakfast of open sandwiches (with sliced meat, tomato &, of course, cucumber) and good coffee.
Kiitos, Eeva, for your hospitality & giving me a little taste of the best of Helsinki!

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